Your Ministry Strengths
Using Your Strengths
Now that you have discovered your ministry strengths let’s look at how you can use those strengths! God uniquely created you and gave you these gifts for a reason. Your next step is to use your gifts and strengths to make a difference in the lives of others. But how?
Below you can learn more about your ministry strengths and how you can use your gifts to serve God and others as a part of a team. Our dream team is a perfect place to use your strengths to make a difference in the lives of others. In yellow you’ll see the different dream team areas that correspond with your ministry strength.
A. Prophecy “the proclaimer”
Those with the gift of prophecy have the ability to communicate through the Word of God with truth and excellence. It does not necessarily mean that they have the ability to predict the future. Rather, they have the ability to boldly declare truth for the purposes of encouraging, strengthening and comforting others. They tend to see things as only black and white with no gray. They are direct and persuasive. Those with the gift of prophecy have the ability to better discern the true character and motives of people and see things in absolutes.
Prayer Team. Modern Groups Leadership Team. Growth Track Team. Worship Team. Next Steps Team.
B. Serving “the helper”
A helper has the God-given ability to recognize a need and administer assistance to others. Helpers enjoy working with their hands and helping others. They are able to recognize what the practical needs are and then quickly begin helping meet the need. Those with the gift of serving are dependable and will work extra to see the job completed. They are often involved in a lot of activity because they have a hard time saying no.
Host Team. Kids Check-In. Modern Kids. Production Team. Set Up & Tear Down Team.
C. Teaching “the teacher”
The teacher is not content with the knowledge simply being proclaimed. It must also be explained. They want information elaborated and made clear. The gift involved research and detailed study. Teachers love to read and study. They place great emphasis on the accuracy of facts and words. They often get more joy in doing research than in teaching the material.
Modern Kids. Growth Track Team. Modern Groups Leadership Team. Production Team.
D. Encouraging “the encourager”
The encourager lifts others and amplifies spiritual growth through counseling and speaking. They draw near to individuals in their time of need and encourage them to take courage and face their challenges. The person with this gift has a divine ability to reassure, strengthen and affirm those around them. Encouragers are very positive and natural "cheerleaders."
Prayer Team. Modern Kids. Host Teams. Modern Groups Leadership Team.
E. Leadership “the leader”
Those with the gift of leadership have the God-given ability to lead others in meaningful endeavors which demonstrates personal care and concern in order to meet the needs of others and encourage their growth. The person with this gift has the divine ability to understand what makes an organization function, and the special ability to plan, execute, and achieve procedures that increase effectiveness.
Growth Track Team. Host Team. Worship Team. Modern Groups Leadership Team. Security Team.
F. Mercy “the empathizer”
Those with the gift of mercy have the ability to have immediate compassion for those who are suffering, combined with great joy in being able to meet their needs. They feel a genuine empathy and compassion for others and have a strong motivation to help others.
Prayer Team. Modern Kids.
G. Giving “the contributer”
Those with the gift of giving have the ability to give freely of what God has entrusted them. This includes giving time, material goods and financial resources with joy and eagerness without ulterior motives. They desire to give quietly, in secret, but will also motivate others to give. The person with this gift is very sensitive to people's needs.
Legacy Team. Next Steps Team. Host Team. Set Up & Tear Down Team.