Our Mission:

We want all people to know God, find freedom, discover their purpose and make a difference in the world around them.

Our Values:

Our values aren’t just what we do, they’re who we are.

  • Jesus is our message

    Our purpose is to share the hope and love of Jesus to our world. We believe in a life giving personal relationship with Jesus over organized religion. Methods change but the message of Jesus stays the same.

  • People are our passion

    We believe in reaching people with the message of Jesus. We desire to reach the lost, unite families and see the next generation have a thriving relationship with Jesus.

  • The Bible is our foundation

    The Word of God shapes our worldview and is our primary way of hearing from God, knowing God, building community and renewing our lives.

  • Generosity is our privilege

    Generosity is about giving more than what is required. We are generous with our time, talents and treasures. We go first in our giving. God has richly given towards us, it’s our privilege to give back to Him.

  • Serving is our spirit

    The greatest form of leadership is service to others. If you are to big to serve, you are to small to lead. From the parking lot to the stage, every role is equal in value and gives us the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others.

  • Excellence is our goal

    We don’t do anything half way. We will always do our best with what we have been given. We are prepared, engaged and intentional with everything we do.

Pray First

Prayer is our first response not our last resort. We are praying that the city of Clarksville belongs to Jesus, that families would be united in christ, that crime, suicide and depression would be eliminated, that the next generation would know a life giving personal relationship with Jesus and that the love of Jesus would inundate our city, our nation and our world.